Monday, April 27, 2009

Class Blog 4/7/09

I apologize that this wasn't on here earlier.  I completed it at my parents house when I was visiting and it apparently didn't post like I assumed it had. 

Comment:  I thought it was neat to see everyones presentations.  I saw many ideas that I would like to use in my classroom, especially using the codes that Drew shared during reading.  I think this idea is great to start with elementary students because it is a skill they can use when they get older too.

Question:  Is there a good way to show parents what critical literacy is at a back to school night presentation that doesn't take too long?  I was thinking about doing this next year, however I only have 20 minutes to cover a lot of information.  

Connection:  I related to the program that Christy has at her school (PBIS) however we call it PBS.  I have noticed such a positive change in the climate of the school since we began this program.  I'm a believer in positive behavior plans.  I use Fred Jones in my classroom and my kids love it!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Class Blog 3/31/09

Comment: I really enjoyed seeing how everyone implemented critical literacy into their classrooms.  I want to try out the Stephanie's lesson in my room.  I think my kids would get a lot out of it.  I am planning on reading When the Emperor Was Devine since it sounded like a great book and I really enjoyed A Heart Divided.

Connection:  Megan's project with her students was really cool!  I remember doing something like that during my freshman year of high school and it was a memorable activity.  I think we had to do a counter commercial to one on T.V. 

Question: Is there a place to find a list of books dealing with socio-political issues?  Anyone have recommendations?  I've found some to add to the library at my school, but am looking for many more.