Saturday, February 21, 2009

Class Blog 2/17/09

Hi there! I'm not sure why this did not post earlier... I put it on here on Thursday. :(

Comment: I loved the "Sketch to Stretch" activity. I ended up using it with my kids for our light unit science review on Wednesday. My kids were really engrossed in the activity and quieted down and really concentrated on their work. I have a creative bunch so this was the perfect activity for them . I posted their work below. They are pretty good artists! :)
The "Save Our School" song was really neat and I think its amazing what kids can come up with. It just reinforces that kids can make change happen.

Question: Vivian, do you have the link for the Falls Church school that you did the podcasting with? I would like the share that with my technology specialist.

Connection: On Wednesday I was in a meeting at my school and we were told that podcasting was going to be the next big thing for Fairfax County Public Schools. It will be directly through our blackboard site. I told our technology specialist that I was learning about podcasting and had done one in a previous class. My class is going to be the test run class for our school so I am looking forward to that. I spoke about integrating in other subject areas by using the data from a cluster map and google analytics as well.


JBD said...

Katie that's awesome about the podcasting!!!! Keep us up-to-date on how it works out and what they're doing with it :)

Katie Stephenson said...

Will do! Thanks! :)