Sunday, October 26, 2008

Counter Narrative Text

Right now I am thinking of doing my counter narrative text as almost a complete opposite of the traditional Cinderella story. I want to make my main character a powerful business woman.  I want her to be single, living in a nice house, dressing nicely, and just being successful in general.  Instead of a prince, I would like to develop a male character who needs to be rescued by the woman.  I am still working out the specifics on the story.  I like this idea because more and more women are becoming successful and young girls need to see that its okay to be in a powerful position.  Also, I think boys need to see that role reversals are okay and we don't always need to be following traditional gender roles.  

1 comment:

MV said...

I look forward to seeing what you end up with Katie. What I like about what you are suggesting is that you aren't just reversing roles but positioning your Cinderella in a position of power. In the end she wouldn't even have to hook up with the guy. She could rescue him but not necessarily end up with him. In any case I'm excited to see what you end up doing.
